Revival & Reformation


God poured out His Spirit in Pentecost power after His church spent ten days together, pleading for His promised blessing. He is ready to do it again today! All around the world, Adventist churches are experiencing the renewal of the Holy Spirit by following the disciples’ example and participating in Ten Days of Prayer.

A Call to Pray

The Ten Days of Prayer initiative (formerly called Operation Global Rain) was adopted by the world church in 2010. Churches in over a hundred countries have received rich blessings through Ten Days of Prayer. Reports from 2012 are most encouraging! “God is faithful! The Ten Days experience can’t be quantified. Hearts were surrendered, souls were convicted, and requests for prayer were answered. To God be the glory!” —Veta, Nigeria

“On the 10th day one young person who had not been to church for years walked in and testified that they wanted to give their life to Jesus. And he has been coming to church every week since.”—Arnold

“We prayed for members who left to return. The week of Global Rain we challenged every active member to sign up to pray for three or four members in our church. This past Sabbath, we had seven members return to church.” —Lisa, New Mexico, USA

“We have never experienced so much spiritual growth and so many answers to prayer in any past event. The daily leader and participant instructions have been WONDERFUL guides to experiencing a revival. The drops of rain are beginning to fall.” —Bill, Rhode Island, USA

“The Ten Days of Prayer revived the mid-week and Friday prayer meetings which no longer existed in my church. This 10-day session taught us that the power rests in prayer and brought unity amongst church members and a zeal to work for the Lord.”—Luvuyo, South Africa

“We concluded the 10 Days of Prayer with a foot washing and the Lord’s Supper on the second Sabbath. We fasted and went out for visitation after divine service. As a result, three non- Adventists who came to the meeting have started taking Bible Studies. The 10 Days of Prayer has changed the lives of the church members, and I believe that it will have an impact in their families and church.” —Kelera, Fiji

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